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Got something specific in mind? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you in no time.
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Prefer a quick, 30-min introductory face-to-face video call? Find a timeslot that suits you.
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Had enough of digital? Feel free to send your love letter this way.
Octily GmbH
Randolfstraße 18
12524 Berlin
Thank you for getting in touch with us. We’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, follow us on LinkedIn for updates about our products and insights regarding HR.
We’d love to hear more about your project and upcoming challenges!
To help us get the best understanding of your needs, here are a few things to consider when writing your message:
Are you leading an HR transformation, managing a specific project, or overseeing tech implementation?
What’s your industry, company size, primary focus, and in which countries do you operate?
Which products, modules, or features are you currently working with, and what key areas are you looking to enhance?
What are the current challenges or roadblocks you’re facing?
Do you have specific functionalities or designs in mind? Consider if you’ll need multiple languages, unique content for different roles, or customizations for different locations.
When would you like to start, and are there any key milestones or deadlines we should keep in mind? If time is a limiting factor, what’s the prioritized order of your requirements?
If you have screenshots or slide decks to share, feel free to send them to We’ll take it from there!
Ensure your organization stays ahead of regulatory requirements with tailored compliance tools and strategies.
Employee Engagement
Foster a thriving workplace culture with innovative approaches to enhance employee involvement and satisfaction.
Unique Custom Pages
Davide from Cornerstone shares insights on the genesis of our project, the needs he identified, and the journey so far. Discover the vision and story behind our innovative solutions.
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Discover the latest trends and expert advice to keep your organization at the forefront of industry innovation.